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Rav Vast drum indigo, tongue drum, drum tongues, steel tongue drum handpan

RAV Vast - The most harmonious sound among all similar drums in the world

Among all drums and handpans, it is the only one that features a large Ding with 7 tuned notes, as well as 8 tongues arranged in a circle, each with a harmonious combination of 4-7 tones.

Thanks to its patented technology, the sound is as rich and full as some of the most popular and sought-after handpans.

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How is it possible?

All of the tones in each tuning are carefully selected to make it impossible to play a wrong note, allowing you to improvise with ease.

Thanks to their sensitivity, getting started takes just minutes. The RAV Vast is also loud enough for outdoor performances.

With different RAV scales to choose from, there’s something for everyone, whether you're a beginner or a pro. Each scale’s specially selected notes make improvisation and songwriting incredibly engaging.

Find out what scale suits you best
Rav Moon drum, tongue drum, drum tongues, steel tongue drum handpan

Meet RAV Moon

The world has clearly been missing a compact RAV.

Our journey in search of the perfect concept led us to the Moon. With a diameter of just 39 cm, it features new, specially designed tongues.

This premium, high-quality drum comes at an attractive and affordable price.

Go to the Moon
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  • Very deep and warm sound

    Thanks to our patented technology, the sound of RAV Vast is as rich as of most popular and expensive handpans.

  • Affordable price

    The price of a quality handpan starts at around $1900. Most of RAV Drums go for $890. Prices includes all taxes.

  • Durability

    Anti-rust coating will protect your RAV from rust. RAVs never go out of tune. Ever.

  • Easy to learn

    You don't have to have any musical background to learn RAV. Getting started take minutes. It's probably the easiest percussive instrument there is.

Join 83 000 people in RAV community

Our mission is to bring the joy of creating music to every corner of the world.

To continue growing in the 21st century, RAV Labs is committed to creating instruments that touch the human soul and enrich people's lives worldwide through music.

Stay tuned
  • Giovanny, EU, Italy

    RAV Vast D celtic minor and RAV Vast B major

    Giovanni is an italian multi instrumentalist. He loves etnic instruments, especially RAV drum. "In my RAV collection I have *D celtic minor* and a *B major*, which I often combine to create a B hijaz scale 😊" We will never cease to be amazed by the creativity of our musicians.

  • Barbara, EU, Germany

    RAV Vast B Celtic Double Ding RAV Vast G Mystic and RAV Moon D US

    Barbara, our dear client from Germany, uses different RAVs for various purposes: for selfcare, sound- and voice healing, for shamanic ceremonies which she organizes and even for the effective work. "I have even used RAVs in my office work when there have been conflicts in the team in order to change the energy there again. Despite the tense situation, everyone was very enthusiastic so that we were able to continue the discussion in a relaxed manner afterwards. And I play only intuitively, without any musical background."

  • Tim, Canada

    RAV Vast C Golden Gate Indigo

    Tim's most favorite place to play is a park among the river "It's nice to have a picnic around the table and take RAV Vast with me". He as all of our precios clients has a big heart and conducts some workshops for disabled people. They are very pleased to We are so happy to have such empathetic customers!

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What is the difference between RAV Moon and RAV Vast?

Vast – the flagship model in our lineup. When you play it, it produces a rich, commanding sound that is twice as profound as the junior Moon. No video can capture the true difference in sound; it must be experienced in person. The sound of the Vast is deeper, more luxurious, and infinitely more resonant compared to the Moon, whose tone is bright but not as deep.

Playing the Vast after the Moon is a revelation. You instantly feel the leap to a higher level of craftsmanship – a professional-grade instrument with a robust sound that resonates deeply with both body and soul. It's like comparing a grand piano to an upright, a high-end audio system to a merely good one, or a Mercedes Maybach to a Mercedes E-Class.

If you're searching for a sound that is deep, impressive, and utterly captivating, the Vast is your clear choice. For an even more profound resonance and stronger impact, opt for a lower key than “B.” The Vast boasts a larger size and greater technical complexity, requiring significantly more time for our artisans to craft.

Its design incorporates all the elements that define this class of instruments. We manufacture this model without simplifying or altering these crucial features, which is why it sounds so impressively pure and clean. This is also why it is so effortless to produce sound from it.

The Moon is undoubtedly excellent, but in designing it, we had to sacrifice some features to make it more compact and lightweight.

How do I choose the best drum for me?

"What scale will match me best?" - very intimate reflections. You probably discovered 10-100 videos and reviews and now have two or three favorite scales and you cannot decide what is the best. Hear me - take the cheapest one. Ok, just joking. This is the last mile, it is the hardest part.

Don’t choose with your consciousness, ask your inner voice. But first SHOW YOURSELF videos with all the scales that we have (you will find them below), then when you select the top two-three, watch another new video with each of them and then give yourself time, a couple of days or more. If you feel that you need some more samples watch more videos with your top scales. And hear your inner voice, because THIS instrument is for your DEEP NATURE, not for the world outside or social media and so on, and your ""deep mind"" should choose the right one.

It is also a good idea to talk to RAV team about anything you are doubting about or/and take part in our RAV Stream (that takes place every weekend). If after a week you still have not felt which scale matches you the best, just get yourself a corgi, and the most universal scale among your top scales list. With it you will be happier than without - I give you a 100% guarantee.

One more important detail: no matter what anyone says, all the scales are assembled from notes that are harmonious with each other and they are all suitable for free improvisation, so just listen to your intuition. This is the list

Do I have to pay any custom duties and fees?

We are constantly working on optimizing our logistics solutions. Today, we have several warehouses, and based on your location, we will select the optimal route for you. Since the drum will be crossing borders, VAT needs to be paid. Please contact our sales department, and we will find the best solution for you.

What is the difference from a Handpan?

We consider RAV drums to be the best alternative to handpans. RAVs are more compact, yet they have a longer sustain, they don't require constant tuning up, are more user-friendly, and are more affordable from a financial standpoint.

I saw a similar instrument twice cheaper, is that RAV Vast too?

You can buy genuine RAV Vast instruments from us or our official partners. Recently, the number of instruments made by our followers has increased. Be cautious if you purchase an instrument from a site other than ours. If the drum has a rubber rim or frog-shaped tongues, rest assured it's a counterfeit that will lead to disappointment due to poor sound quality. If you see a Ravvast on another website, write to us and we will confirm the authenticity of these instruments.

Do Blue ocean/gold and indigo drums have any sound difference?

No, we keep the high quality RAV sound standard. The only difference is the drum colour.

Do I need mallets to play if I’m a beginner?

The best way to play the drum is by using your hands, as this allows you to fully feel the instrument. Our tutorials will help you learn to play as quickly as possible. However, mallets can help you discover a new sound of the instrument.

Do you have payment plan/ installments ?

We are constantly improving our payment methods; as of today, you can use PayPal and Shopify services to pay in installments.