Discover the Power of 432 Hz Frequency

At RAV, we've tuned our instruments to the natural frequency of 432 Hz, creating a unique sound that resonates deeply with the body and soul. By lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz, our RAV Vasts produce familiar scales with enhanced power and influence. This adjustment allows the music to calm the body, release negative energy, and guide you into a state of pure tranquility.

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The 432 Hz frequency

often referred to as the tone of nature, is believed to align with the Earth's natural vibrations, offering a harmonious connection to the universe

The Ancient Connection to 432 Hz

The 432 Hz frequency has a rich history, with roots tracing back to ancient civilizations. It is said that Stradivarius violins and instruments used by ancient Egyptian and Tibetan monks were tuned to this very pitch. Known as Verdi's A, this frequency was once the standard in music, and it’s considered to bring a deeper connection to the natural world.